Three years have passed since the Swedish National Heritage Board presented Fredrik Bruno and his 1940s colour photographs on Flickr Commons. Since the images have been largely appreciated, we thought it would be nice to renew the acquaintance and show some more of these photos from different towns around Sweden (and some from the countryside), taken with either Kodachrome or Agfacolor diapositive film. Being a professional town engineer, Fredrik Bruno obviously focused on urban motifs. A lot of the photos might even be from travels he made in his service.
When we first started the Fredrik Bruno collection on Flickr Commons in 2011, (read on our blog) we divided it in two albums, one with photos from Sweden, the other with photos from Norway. This time we will only upload photos from Sweden, because of a larger number to choose from.
Some of the photos we show have a link in the field of information to a recent photo in our photo database, showing exactly the same view, but in 2010-2011. These comparative photos were taken within a project at the Swedish National Heritage Board, with the purpose to illustrate changes in the urban environment over time.
It would be just great to see some of your own comparative photos posted in comments! Welcome to to enjoy the 1940s in colour, in our photostream on Flickr Commons or in the album “Fredrik Bruno – Sweden“.

If you do take comparative photos, also make sure to upload them to the Photo competition Då och Nu which the National Heritage Board is part of arranging. The competition continues until september 10. http://dåoch.nu
Thank you Jan for giving this very good advice to our followers on The Commons! Read more about the competition on the home page of the Swedish National Heritage Board (in Swedish): http://bit.ly/1sRoMCR