Bearded man on horseback. Sweden, 1930s. Photo: Einar Erici
Time to present a new set on Flickr Commons, with a mix of bearded Swedish men, some wives and families of these men, some monks at Valamo monastery in Karelia and some Swedish churches and church organs. The man behind the camera was Einar Erici (1885-1965), a Swedish physician and renowned expert of church organs, who’s archival collection is held by the Swedish National Heritage Board.
The primary photographical motifs of Einar Erici were churches and church organs, according to his field of science. However, main focus of this set will be on another photographical domain of Erici, namely people. For some reason, he took photos of ordinary Swedish men wearing beards, but also of some of these men’s wives and families. Some photos are of monks at Valamo monastery in Karelia (Finland at that time, today Russia).
The photos of people are mainly from the 1930s while the photos of Swedish churches are taken during the first half of the 20th century. We hope you’ll enjoy these interesting images!
And who knows, maybe some guys viewing these photos might get inspired to grow a beard… :)
Mr and Mrs Lundberg. Sweden, 1930s. Photo: Einar Erici
>> Anna Boman is a member of the Flickr Commons team at the Swedish National Heritage Board
Jag har skrivit lite om Samuelssons från Stigåsa på
Stort tack Ann för ditt fantastiska blogginlägg om Carl Anders och Anna Lena Samuelsson och deras liv i Stigåsal
Det var så roligt – och rörande – att läsa om de här två som förut var ett anonymt (förutom efternamn och hemort) par på en bild, också den visad i set Einar Erici. Nu har bilden och paret fått liv (och förnamn) genom din berättelse!
Jag skrev lite i en kommentar till bilden på Flickr Commons och länkade till din blogg: