K-podd 76: Arkiv special – Vem var Berit Wallenberg?

Berit Wallenberg i Vilken, Lovön, 1932. Foto: Okänd (PD).
En dag i början av 1980-talet fick Riksantikvarieämbetets arkiv besök av en äldre kvinna bärande på tunga kassar och lådor. Hon ville donera tusentals bilder, manuskript och anteckningar för framtida forskning. Kvinnan var Berit Wallenberg. Här berättar prästen och författaren Lars Djerf om hennes mycket spännande liv och värv. https://media.blubrry.com/riksantikvarieambetet/k-blogg.se/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Arkivpodden-4-Berit-Wallenberg_mixdown.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | […]
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Arkeologi, Bibliotek/arkiv, Bilder, Digitalisering, Flickr Commons, Forskning, Foto, K-podd, Okategoriserad, PodcastHelsinki in the late 1800s on Flickr Commons
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Berit Wallenberg on Ireland – new on Flickr Commons!
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Gör kulturarvet tillgängligt genom Public Domain

Sö140 Korpbron, Juresta. Riksantikvarieämbetet, Public Domain.
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“People do not learn about culture as they did in the past. The practices are evolving and the cultural offering must be in step with them. The passive observation of works of art is no longer relevant, and I’m convinced that people are increasingly learning about art through this immersive experience and the emotions they […]
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Sweden in stereo on Flickr Commons
In 2015, a small collection of stereographs was given to the archives of the Swedish National Heritage Board by a donor from the USA, through the intermediary of the National Maritime Museums in Sweden. Stereographs (also called stereograms, stereo views or stereo cards) are two almost identical photographs mounted on cardboard, which appear three-dimensional viewed […]
Berit Wallenberg – back on Flickr Commons
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Björn Allard – new on Flickr Commons
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More of Old Churches on Flickr Commons
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